Work With Elephant

Work With Elephant

The arrival pick up service was very good. Accommodation and food was good. Transportation service was very good and always on time. All the project staff members were very helpful. I would like to give 8.5 mark to VWI. Getting up early wasn’t pleasant but was worth it once we got to the elephants. I enjoyed the time a lot.


It was great to see someone from VWI staff there as soon as I got of the bus. The host family was really great. If we needed anything, all we had to do was ask. Transportation service was best. Taxi driver friendly behavior made the trip better. The project staff members were very helpful. It is great in the project that the program coordinator always around to translate and help with things. I decided to volunteer with VWI as Volunteering With India seemed like the best program because the website was clear. Communication was great And we didn’t have to pay before getting here. I would like to give 10 out of 8. Volunteering in India was one of the best experience I have had. I met so many people and experienced India the best way I could.


The arrival pick up service was very good. The host family and food was fine. The transportation service was very good, it comes in time and take us where we need to go. The Project staff members were very good and helpful. I decided to volunteer with VWI as I liked the details on the website and wanted to experience REAL India and work with the elephants. I would like to give 10 out of 10 marks to VWI. I have really enjoyed the experience and would recommend to anyone who wants to have a real experience. The Elephants were fantastic, hard work but worth it!



Rita:- The Project itself was very enjoyable. It was cool to get to know the elephant. The work was not too challenging. The Mahouts were friendly and joking with us. Raj the project coordinator was pleasant to have with us. Govind and Sukret were very accommodating too. Totoram the driver was kind and caring and we enjoyed his presence.
Nina:- Project was good, all mahouts that I worked with were friendly and tried to talk to me even limited English. Elephant work was good. It was good to be up close and personal with the elephants. All were well trained and I felt 100% safe when working closely with them. The Transport was reliable, on time and friendly. Project coordinator Raj was great to show us around and answer our question about elephants, the project, Indian culture. His English is really good which enabled us to communicate with him and the mahouts. Project was great, everything associated with the elephants was amazing, such a great experience.
Justine:-The elephant project is incredible! The mahouts were very friendly and obviously we devoted to their elephants. Being able to wash and bathe the elephants was a highlight! The Project coordinator was amazing , very helpful and lovely to talk to. Totoram was the best driver. He was so friendly and accommodating & took us every morning for chai!



Our Pick up service was fine. Accommodation and food was good. Enjoyed riding in Tuk-Tuk for everyday project transportation. Project staff members were fine, tried hard to support me. I decided to volunteer with VWI because I wanted to do something while in India and Love Elephants. I would like to give 10 out of 8 to VWI. The VWI project is a good partnership between volunteers and places that need help. I learned a lot about India – the people and the animals.


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