Programa de Conservação de Elefantes
Duração do projeto: Estadia mínima de 1 semana até 4 semanas. Vindo para período mais curto Participe nos nossos 3 dias Programa de voluntariado em elefantes + excursão a Jaipur. Datas do Programa: As datas são flexíveis, pode escolher a sua própria data de início e de fim. No entanto, recomendamos-lhe que chegue no domingo. Para consultar as datas disponíveis do programa clique aqui :Datas de início. Localização: Jaipur, Índia. Taxas de projeto: $350 for 1 Week and thereafter $250 weekly. No Application fees required. For more information about our fees please visit Página de taxas do programa de voluntariado. Actividades do projeto: Alimentar o elefante, dar-lhes banho, massajar o elefante, limpar a área, fazer fardos de feno, passear com eles e ajudar os mahouts a fazer chapattis (pão indiano). Horário de trabalho: 28 horas semanais de segunda a sexta-feira. Fins-de-semana livres - Levamo-lo a visitar os pontos turísticos famosos de Jaipur e outras cidades próximas. Datas especiais do festival: : Festival do Camelo de Bikaner 13-15 de janeiro de 2024, Festival do Papagaio de Jaipur 14 de janeiro de 2024, Festival das Cores de Holi 24-25 de março de 2024, Festival Teej 07-agosto de 2024, Festival das Irmãs 19 de agosto de 2023, Festival Dusshera 12 de outubro de 2024, Festival das Luzes de Diwali 31 de outubro de 2024, Feira do Camelo de Pushkar 09 de novembro-15 de novembro de 2024. O que está incluído: Organização do seu programa, informações e apoio antes da partida por e-mail/telefone, recolha na chegada a Jaipur, materiais relevantes para o programa, alojamento em família de acolhimento indiana, 3 refeições (pequeno-almoço, almoço e jantar), transporte para o local do projeto, excursões de fim de semana e apoio administrativo 24 horas por dia. O que não está incluído: Visto, voos, Internet, garrafa de água mineral, taxas de entrada em monumentos/visitas turísticas, chamadas telefónicas, cobertura de seguro e entrega no aeroporto. Requisitos: We don’t need any qualification for this project. Doing Voluntary Work India you must have lots of love & enthusiasm for the project. Tipo de visto: Visto de turista. Se vier por um curto período de tempo, até 30 dias, solicite o visto à chegada através do Sítio Web sobre vistos para a Índia. Alojamento flexível: Se for solicitado, pode reservar o seu próprio alojamento em hotel antes de vir para cá, caso não se sinta confortável com a família de acolhimento indiana. Nós ajudamo-lo a fazer a reserva. As pessoas que amam animais têm sempre um ponto muito macio no seu coração para eles. Cuidam deles onde quer que vejam um animal, seja ele próprio ou não, cuidam bem deles. Há um animal em particular que é amado e adorado em todo o mundo por todos, Elefantes. Raramente se encontraria uma pessoa que tivesse ódio no seu coração por este animal. Nós em Programa de Conservação de Elefantes na Índia estão aqui à sua disposição para o ajudar a conhecer mais sobre estes animais amorosos, levando-o a levantar-se, a aproximar-se deles e a passar o seu dia. Temos uma variedade de coisas na lista que pode fazer com estes animais maravilhosos. Desde dar-lhes banho a manter os seus pés a alimentar-lhes a sua comida preferida, deixamo-lo fazer todo o tipo de coisas agradáveis com estes animais. Se está a planear Animal volunteer in India este projecto será uma boa escolha para si. O trabalho em Projecto Jaipur Elephant exigirá uma estadia mínima de 1 semana que durará até 4 semanas. Os voluntários terão de trabalhar 28 Horas semanais (de segunda a sexta-feira). Os fins de semana terão folga para trabalhar. Nos fins-de-semana VWI organizar Visitas Turísticas em Jaipur para Voluntários. Os voluntários podem aderir ao projecto em qualquer altura do ano, de acordo com a sua conveniência. Esta tarefa não requer nenhum ficheiro cheio de diplomas. Tudo o que precisa é de dedicação e vontade de servir. If you have zeal to serve animals and looking for a way to do your bit, Volunteering with India offers you to Wildlife Volunteer programs India to work in Santuário do Elefante Índia com a oportunidade certa. O objectivo de muitos turistas estrangeiros não é apenas viajar, mas também voluntário na Índia for a number of social causes. Wildlife volunteer India initiative gives you the opportunity to be a part of Elephant care program in Jaipur, the Heritage City of India. The Elephant village situated near Amber Fort is India’s first and world’s third village dedicated to Elephants. Stretched in an area of about 30 hectares, this village offers all the amenities, including a big lake, required for Elephants to thrive and enjoy themselves. Our program is directed towards helping mahouts in taking good care of these animals. Os elefantes da aldeia são a única fonte de rendimento para os cornacas pobres, pelo que a sua conservação e cuidados adequados fazem a base do seu sustento. O Elefante vai para o passeio turístico/safari no Forte Amber. Olhando para o panorama geral Elefantes na Índia faz parte da religião hinduísta, uma vez que são utilizados para festivais culturais, tradições familiares e casamentos. De acordo com o número total da população de Elefantes na cidade ainda 50% não estão ainda acomodados pelo Governo devido ao sítio da Aldeia dos Elefantes ainda estar em construção. De acordo com o nosso Programa os Voluntários também podem participar no cuidado de Elefantes que têm abrigos fora do área da zona. The volunteers will be required to carry out a number of tasks associated with proper caring of elephants including their bathing, food, cleaning, carrying water, massage and making hay bundles and chapattis. Program schedule works Monday to Friday 5:00 a.m to 8:30 p.m and twice a week in afternoon from 1:30 p.m to 4:30 p.m. Every Saturday we organize sightseeing tour to famous tourist spots in Jaipur. Sunday is free & rest day but you can also plan for the Same Day tours from Jaipur like Agra Taj Mahal, Ranthambore Tiger Safari, Pushkar and many more places near around. As you will start to work, you will surely become a part of the program and will not only learn a lot but will also get the satisfaction of serving animals and caring for them. Ser um voluntário será uma boa oportunidade não só para aprender sobre os cuidados com elefantes mas também para estar um pouco próximo da cultura e tradições indianas.Leia as histórias e comentários dos nossos voluntários sobre o programa. -É uma oportunidade de trabalhar com uma equipa incrível e saciar o seu desejo de contribuir um pouco para os esforços de cuidado dos animais. - Uma oportunidade para conhecer bem a cidade e o seu povo e trabalhar com eles para compreender melhor a sua tradição, cultura, língua e modos de vida. - Para obter uma experiência de uma vida inteira que pode acrescentar como um crachá no seu currículo. - Se gosta de elefantes, fornecemos-lhe uma boa plataforma para trabalhar para a sua melhoria. – An opportunity to join Wildlife Volunteer in India. - Recebe connosco uma filiação vitalícia e pode também dar uma mãozinha, voluntariando-se com os nossos outros projectos em curso. Os Elefantes em Jaipur estão a ser tratados pelo Governo de Rajasthan, mahouts e seus donos. Os elefantes são também utilizados para o Objectivo turístico, Eventos culturais & Cerimónias religiosas na Índia desde há séculos. Para a protecção por vezes durante o dia, pode encontrá-las em acorrentado também. Antes de se candidatar ao Programa, é necessário estar ciente da situação e concordar com a VWI Termos condições política. A língua não é um problema para os participantes internacionais que aderem ao programa. A família de acolhimento, os nossos funcionários, os motoristas de táxi e as crianças/mulheres do programa conseguem compreender o básico. No entanto, se não se sentir à vontade com a barreira linguística, pode inscrever-se numa aula semanal de hindi de 90 minutos, de segunda a sexta-feira, que custa 150 dólares por semana. Durante a apresentação de OnlinE pode solicitar no formulário. A VWI providencia o alojamento, a alimentação e o transporte dos voluntários, desde o primeiro dia da sua chegada a Jaipur, na Índia. Os voluntários ficarão a viver com a família de acolhimento indiana. Terá o seu próprio quarto na casa da família de acolhimento, que pode ser partilhado por um voluntário do mesmo sexo no programa. Participantes que vêm com os seus amigos, casais ou familiares vivem em conjunto no mesmo alojamento. As nossas famílias de acolhimento são cuidadosamente examinadas e seleccionadas com base nos requisitos da VWI. As famílias de acolhimento têm experiência no domínio do acolhimento de viajantes internacionais nos últimos 10 anos. Receberá 3 refeições por dia (pequeno-almoço, almoço e jantar), tradicionais mas muito nutritivas. As refeições servidas no alojamento são as refeições quotidianas das famílias indianas. É assim que o programa foi feito para o fazer sentir e Em direto Como um Local. No entanto, se não se conseguir adaptar às refeições indianas ou se precisar de mais nutrição/proteína/dieta especial nas suas refeições, pode arranjá-las no mercado local mais próximo. Ficar com uma família de acolhimento dar-lhe-á a oportunidade de aprender sobre a vida indiana, conhecer os habitantes locais, experimentar a comida local, falar a língua local e mergulhar nos costumes e tradições locais. Os membros da família de acolhimento são capazes de comunicar em inglês e são muito simpáticos com os voluntários. Os alojamentos são limpos e bem arrumados e proporcionam aos voluntários uma experiência de casa longe de casa. Os nossos voluntários têm quartos privados na casa da família de acolhimento que podem ser partilhados pelo mesmo sexo no programa. Se preferir ter o seu próprio quarto, pode pagar um suplemento para ter um quarto privado. As casas das famílias de acolhimento estão equipadas com internet wifi. Terá um acesso muito bom através do computador e do acesso Wi-Fi. A casa tem água potável filtrada, géisers, ar condicionado, televisão por satélite, casas de banho modernas, camas confortáveis, ventoinhas e ar condicionado. As casas estão perto de comodidades úteis como bancos, caixas multibanco, casas de câmbio, restaurantes, cafés e galerias comerciais. O local do programa fica a 20-30 minutos de carro da casa. Também providenciamos transporte para os voluntários, que os irá buscar todos os dias ao local do projeto e os deixará em casa quando terminarem o trabalho. Todos os dias, terá um auto-riquixá (tuk-tuk) ou um carro para o transporte. Menu de comida :-No pequeno-almoço, a nossa família anfitriã prepara-lhe todos os dias chá/café + pão ou Poha ou Paratha indiana. Ao almoço e ao jantar, terá 2 tipos de legumes indianos + Roti (Chapati) + arroz + iogurte + pickles. Na mesa de comida há sempre um cesto de frutas que pode usar em qualquer altura. Opção de alojamento :-.Consulte as nossas várias opções de alojamento. A maioria dos participantes prefere escolher a Casa de Acomodação Básica que é partilhada por 2 participantes. Compras e fornecimentos Há muitas lojas perto do alojamento onde os voluntários podem ir e comprar coisas para as suas necessidades. O alojamento situa-se na zona principal da cidade de Jaipur, pelo que é fácil comprar qualquer coisa, uma vez que as lojas ficam a uma curta distância a pé. Se um voluntário quiser ir a um centro comercial de marca, tem de apanhar um táxi (Tuk- Tuk). Quando o nosso taxista não está a levá-los para o local do projeto, pode ser contratado pelos voluntários para os levar ao centro comercial da marca, mas têm de lhe pagar. Dia da Chegada..:Os voluntários serão escolhidos do destino de chegada em Jaipur, Índia. Depois de o terem escolhido uma vez, um membro da nossa equipa irá levá-lo até ao alojamento da família de acolhimento. Aí serão detalhados sobre o projecto e o calendário de trabalho, o que funcionará como um guia útil para eles ao longo de todo o projecto. Serão também apresentados à família de acolhimento e a todas as instalações que lhes serão proporcionadas para uma estadia confortável. Fins-de-semana:Os fins-de-semana são livres para relaxar e desfrutar da Cidade Rosa de Jaipur. Todos os fins-de-semana organizamos visitas turísticas a belos locais históricos, locais culturais e programas de Jaipur com a nossa equipa de pessoal da VWI. Os voluntários têm oportunidade de se encontrar com outros voluntários também de outros locais de projectos, à medida que todos se reúnem nestes dias. Há várias outras viagens paralelas a que se podem juntar, as quais irão melhorar muito a sua experiência do Rajastão, Índia.
Fim da viagem: Depois de terminar o programa de Voluntariado na Índia pode escolher o nosso programa "Add on Tour" para explorar a Índia. Os voluntários podem juntar-se para visitar Taj Mahal, Golden Triangle Tour, Wildlife Safari no Parque Nacional, Nova Deli e muito mais.
Podemos oferecer-lhe conselhos sobre como viajar para o seu próximo destino, quer seja outra cidade indiana ou para o aeroporto, para casa ou para mais do mundo. Gail: - Foi tão bom encontrar alguém à nossa espera quando saímos do aeroporto com os nossos nomes num cartão. Isso elimina qualquer preocupação. A nossa família de acolhimento era adorável e conhecê-los foi uma parte especial da nossa estadia. A comida era saborosa. O nosso passeio de Tuk-Tuk deu-nos a oportunidade de ver a cidade a acordar de manhã - paisagens que nunca teríamos visto. O motorista estava sempre pronto e com um sorriso no rosto. Os membros da equipa do Projeto eram... Leia mais GailÉ tão bom encontrar alguém à nossa espera quando saímos do aeroporto com os nossos nomes num cartão. Isso elimina qualquer preocupação. A nossa família de acolhimento era adorável e o facto de os conhecermos foi uma parte especial da nossa estadia. A comida era saborosa. O nosso passeio de Tuk-Tuk deu-nos a oportunidade de ver a cidade a acordar de manhã - paisagens que nunca teríamos visto. O motorista estava sempre pronto e com um sorriso no rosto. Os membros da equipa do Projeto foram fantásticos! Era uma sensação de segurança ter alguém a acompanhar-nos enquanto trabalhávamos para nos explicar e interpretar as coisas. Decidimos fazer voluntariado com a VWI para fazer parte do país. Não para sermos apenas turistas. Escolhemos o projeto dos elefantes porque adoramos animais. Gostaria de dar 10 em 10. Ane :- O nosso serviço de recolha foi bom. Antes de entrar no programa, estávamos a viajar pela Índia. Fomos de carro até ao escritório da VWI com o nosso próprio motorista. Depois fomos apanhados por um dos membros da equipa da VWI. O alojamento era bom. A família é muito simpática, especialmente as filhas. A comida era boa. Quando entrámos no projeto, houve um casamento na família de acolhimento, o que tornou a nossa alimentação um pouco irregular durante alguns dias. O nosso serviço de transporte era bom. O taxista foi muito simpático e cuidou muito bem de nós... Leia mais Ane O nosso serviço de recolha foi bom. Antes de aderir ao programa, fomos viajar pela Índia. O nosso motorista conduz-nos ao escritório da VWI. Depois fomos apanhados por um dos membros da equipa da VWI. O alojamento era bom. A família é muito simpática, especialmente as filhas. A comida era boa. Quando entrámos no projeto, houve um casamento na família de acolhimento, o que fez com que Gostei muito da experiência, gostaria de passar mais tempo com eles. Os mahouts são muito simpáticos, o nosso coordenador do programa era uma estrela e totaram ji (motorista de táxi) era ótimo. Estive no projeto durante 3 semanas; aos fins-de-semana visitei os pontos turísticos de Jaipur, Agra e Ranthambore Tiger Safari. A VWI providenciou serviços fantásticos. Adorei o último dia com os tigres. Obrigado Sukret. Recomendo vivamente o projeto. A casa da família em que fiquei era adorável, e toda a família me recebeu muito bem, antes de eu apontar para o projeto, todos os meus e-mails foram respondidos muito rapidamente e profissionalmente. Durante a minha estadia, tanto o coordenador do programa como o condutor do tuk-tuk foram muito simpáticos e prestáveis, e visitar as suas casas foi uma óptima experiência, por isso agradeço-lhes a sua hospitalidade. No entanto, fiquei um pouco desiludido nos primeiros dias, pois tinha de acordar cedo de manhã, mas ao fim de alguns dias já estava no meu hábito, pois compreendi... Leia mais A casa da família em que fiquei era adorável, e toda a família me recebeu muito bem, antes de eu apontar para o projeto, todos os meus e-mails foram respondidos muito rapidamente e profissionalmente. Durante a minha estadia, tanto o coordenador do programa como o condutor do tuk-tuk foram muito simpáticos e prestáveis, e visitar as suas casas foi uma óptima experiência, por isso agradeço-lhes a sua hospitalidade. No entanto, fiquei um pouco desiludido nos primeiros dias, pois tinha de acordar cedo de manhã, mas ao fim de alguns dias isso tornou-se um hábito, pois compreendi que o trabalho de assistência é necessário desde as primeiras horas da manhã, quando o elefante acorda. Trabalho todos os dias de manhã, das 5h às 9h. Também venho à tarde duas vezes por semana, quando fazemos chapati para os elefantes. Já tomei conta de 5 elefantes e quero mesmo levá-los todos para minha casa. É muito triste que o meu projeto tenha de voltar para casa para estudar. Voltarei de certeza na próxima vez. O projeto para crianças que visitei, apenas por 2 dias, por outro lado, foi ótimo e senti que estava a contribuir para algo, por isso recomendo todos os projectos que a VWI oferece. Trabalhar com os mahouts foi uma experiência maravilhosa. Conhecer os elefantes foi uma experiência que não pode ser explicada. Sem arrependimentos, espero voltar a fazer voluntariado com a VWI. Acho que tenho novos amigos e espero voltar a vê-los. Gostaria de dar à Volunteering With India 10 em 9 pela minha experiência global. Toto, o nosso taxista, foi o melhor motorista para o transporte, diverte-se, ri e chega sempre a horas. Os membros da equipa do projeto, o alojamento e a comida eram excelentes. Recomendo vivamente... Leia mais Trabalhar com os mahouts foi uma experiência maravilhosa. Conhecer os elefantes foi uma experiência que não pode ser explicada. Sem arrependimentos, espero voltar a fazer voluntariado com a VWI. Acho que tenho novos amigos e espero voltar a vê-los. Gostaria de dar à Volunteering With India 10 em 9 pela minha experiência global. Toto, o nosso taxista, foi o melhor motorista para o transporte, diverte-se, ri e chega sempre a horas. O pessoal do projeto, o alojamento e a comida eram excelentes. Recomendo definitivamente o projeto a outros voluntários. Passei 4 semanas maravilhosas a trabalhar no projeto dos elefantes. Tive um início difícil porque houve alguns problemas com a minha bagagem no aeroporto de Deli, mas o Sukret foi muito prestável durante todo o processo, por isso, aconteça o que acontecer, tem calma e estás em boas mãos. Admito que houve alturas em que pensei que tudo era novo para mim aqui, pois a diferença cultural era tão grande. Vim para cá durante 4 semanas, por isso nos primeiros dias aprendi a deslocar-me... Leia mais Passei 4 semanas maravilhosas a trabalhar no elefante The Indian People i met were very friendly and helped me all the time. The work with Elephants is hard but the elephants such amazing animals. I would like to come again to do this project. They will stay always in my heart. VWI is the best volunteering organization in India. I would like to give them A+ grade in all their services – Airport Arrival Pick up Transfer, Accommodation & Food, Transportation, Project and staff members. They showed me Jaipur Sightseeing and by volunteering with them help me to... Leia mais The Indian People i met were very friendly and helped me all the time. The work with Elephants is hard but the elephants such amazing animals. I would like to come again to do this project. They will stay always in my heart. VWI is the best volunteering organization in India. I would like to give them A+ grade in all their services – Airport Arrival Pick up Transfer, Accommodation & Food, Transportation, Project and staff members. They showed me Jaipur Sightseeing and by volunteering with them help me to learn about the Indian people, history and culture. We are husband & Wife. Both of us really enjoyed the project it was great to work with elephants. Feeding them, clean up their living area, help the mahouts in their daily work- everything was fantastic & a great experience for how to care these big elephants. The host family house is an excellent location and the family was very welcoming and helpful. When we told them our bad was too hard they found another for us. Everybody on project is very much looking after us and very kind. Really... Leia mais We are husband & Wife. Both of us really enjoyed the project it was great to work with elephants. Feeding them, clean up their living area, help the mahouts in their daily work- everything was fantastic & a great experience for how to care these big elephants. The host family house is an excellent location and the family was very welcoming and helpful. When we told them our bad was too hard they found another for us. Everybody on project is very much looking after us and very kind. Really back again with our kids next summers. Very nice and interesting experience with nice and welcoming people and of course with beautiful elephants! The reasons to choose VWI is I wanted to do an elephant project while I was travelling in India and I found this one on internet.. It seems good, trustful and with a good location. Jaipur is beautiful city to visit in the afternoon and on weekends. The pick service was in time, accommodation was perfect – very nice room and food was good. The project staff members were very nice and Kind. I... Leia mais Very nice and interesting experience with nice and welcoming people and of course with beautiful elephants! The reasons to choose VWI is I wanted to do an elephant project while I was travelling in India and I found this one on internet.. It seems good, trustful and with a good location. Jaipur is beautiful city to visit in the afternoon and on weekends. The pick service was in time, accommodation was perfect – very nice room and food was good. The project staff members were very nice and Kind. I would like to give VWI 10 out 8 from my overall experience. This project is a nice experience and a nice way to learn about india. The arrival pick up services was perfect. Accommodation , Transportation and staff members were great. The reason to volunteer with VWI – The price was best compare to other volunteering organization abroad and in India. I would give 10 out of 10 from overall experience. I really enjoyed the project. My Project life is to travel to keep learning everything I can so I would say to everyone do not expect anything just learn everything you can about everything that comes. I would like to give 10 out 9 Marks to VWI. I wanted to do Elephant Care as I am waiting to do this from long time in my life. I search over internet many organization and projects which offer Elephant Volunteering but VWI was the best in selection of all these as they... Leia mais I really enjoyed the project. My Project life is to travel to keep learning everything I can so I would say to everyone do not expect anything just learn everything you can about everything that comes. I would like to give 10 out 9 Marks to VWI. I wanted to do Elephant Care as I am waiting to do this from long time in my life. I search over internet many organization and projects which offer Elephant Volunteering but VWI was the best in selection of all these as they have very flexible services and by working you can direct have hands on Experience with Elephants. The Project Transportation, Weekend Sightseeing, Staff Members; everyone was perfect. Really looking to come back again with my friends and family. I had a wonderful time during my elephant program in Jaipur with VWI. It’s really been so lovable moment for me when i was with the elephants. I was working with the elephants for 4 weeks and looking at the 5 elephants. Working with the elephants is quite hard but so enjoyable. My days with the elephants starts early as I have to wash the elephants, clean them out, give them good massage, scrub their body with brush, making the bundles of hay for them to eat. The elephant village... Leia mais I had a wonderful time during my elephant program in Jaipur with VWI. It’s really been so lovable moment for me when i was with the elephants. I was working with the elephants for 4 weeks and looking at the 5 elephants. Working with the elephants is quite hard but so enjoyable. My days with the elephants starts early as I have to wash the Our host family was wonderful. We are served with nice Indian food and good Indian accommodation facility. Transportation service was good. The taxi driver was very lovely person. Project staff members very good. I decided to volunteer with VWI because I wanted to spend some time with elephants, be of service in some way while in India. I would like to give 10 out of 8 mark to the organization. I think these projects are very good ones to westerners with various aspects of India/Jaipur also. I hope we were... Leia mais Our host family was wonderful. We are served with nice Indian food and good Indian accommodation facility. Transportation service was good. The taxi driver was very lovely person. Project staff members very good. I decided to volunteer with VWI because I wanted to spend some time with elephants, be of service in some way while in India. I would like to give 10 out of 8 mark to the organization. I think these projects are very good ones to westerners with various aspects of India/Jaipur also. I hope we were helpful to the projects/ People and Elephants. Our Pick up service was fine. Accommodation and food was good. Enjoyed riding in Tuk-Tuk for everyday project transportation. Project staff members were fine, tried hard to support me. I decided to volunteer with VWI because I wanted to do something while in India and Love Elephants. I would like to give 10 out of 8 to VWI. The VWI project is a good partnership between volunteers and places that need help. I learned a lot about India – the people and the animals. Rita:- The Project itself was very enjoyable. It was cool to get to know the elephant. The work was not too challenging. The Mahouts were friendly and joking with us. Raj the project coordinator was pleasant to have with us. Govind and Sukret were very accommodating too. Totoram the driver was kind and caring and we enjoyed his presence. Nina:- Project was good, all mahouts that I worked with were friendly and tried to talk to me even limited English. Elephant work was good. It was good to be up... Leia mais Rita:- The Project itself was very enjoyable. It was cool to get to know the elephant. The work was not too challenging. The Mahouts were friendly and joking with us. Raj the project coordinator was pleasant to have with us. Govind and Sukret were very accommodating too. Totoram the driver was kind and caring and we enjoyed his presence. The arrival pick up service was very good. The host family and food was fine. The transportation service was very good, it comes in time and take us where we need to go. The Project staff members were very good and helpful. I decided to volunteer with VWI as I liked the details on the website and wanted to experience REAL India and work with the elephants. I would like to give 10 out of 10 marks to VWI. I have really enjoyed the experience and would recommend to anyone... Leia mais The arrival pick up service was very good. The host family and food was fine. The transportation service was very good, it comes in time and take us where we need to go. The Project staff members were very good and helpful. I decided to volunteer with VWI as I liked the details on the website and wanted to experience REAL India and work with the elephants. I would like to give 10 out of 10 marks to VWI. I have really enjoyed the experience and would recommend to anyone who wants to have a real experience. The Elephants were fantastic, hard work but worth it! Foi ótimo ver alguém do pessoal da VWI assim que saí do autocarro. A família anfitriã foi realmente óptima. Se precisássemos de alguma coisa, bastava pedir. O serviço de transporte foi ótimo. O comportamento simpático do taxista tornou a viagem melhor. Os membros do pessoal do projeto foram muito prestáveis. No projeto, é ótimo que o coordenador do programa esteja sempre por perto para traduzir e ajudar com as coisas. Decidi fazer voluntariado com a VWI porque o Volunteering With India parecia ser o melhor programa porque o sítio Web... Leia mais It was great to see someone from VWI staff there as soon as I got of the bus. The host family was really great. If we needed anything, all we had to do was ask. Transportation service was best. Taxi driver friendly behavior made the trip better. The project staff members were very helpful. It is great in the project that the program coordinator always around to translate and help with things. I decided to volunteer with VWI as Volunteering With India seemed like the best program because the website was clear. Communication was great And we didn’t have to pay before getting here. I would like to give 10 out of 8. Voluntariado na Índia was one of the best experience I have had. I met so many people and experienced India the best way I could. The arrival pick up service was very good. Accommodation and food was good. Transportation service was very good and always on time. All the project staff members were very helpful. I would like to give 8.5 mark to VWI. Getting up early wasn’t pleasant but was worth it once we got to the elephants. I enjoyed the time a lot. Arrival was fine. Some confusion over Bus drops off point. Bus problem was due to misinformation from private bus company. Accomodation was clean and good. Food was good. Transportation service was excellent. We needed additional transport after project which was available upon request. The Staff members Sukret + Govind were both Excellent, V.Helpful and informative. I like to give 10 out of 9 for my overall experience and satisfaction. We have Found Work Enjoyable, Giving us Excellent Insight. The working life of a mahout and the day care of the... Leia mais Arrival was fine. Some confusion over Bus drops off point. Bus problem was due to misinformation from private bus company. Accomodation was clean and good. Food was good. Transportation service was excellent. We needed additional transport after project which was available upon request. The Staff members Sukret + Govind were both Excellent, V.Helpful and informative. I like to give 10 out of 9 for my overall experience and satisfaction. We have Found Work Enjoyable, Giving us Excellent Insight. The working life of a mahout and the day care of the elephants was good. We enjoyed the opportunities to bath the elephants. All the mahouts were very friendly and helpful. Pick up service was excellent. One of the VWI team member was there to meet me with a big smile. The host family made me feel like the part of their family. Welcoming helpful and been to please. Transportation service was very good. Toto who drove me is a very personable chap and one felt confident with him driving in Jaipurs Chaotic streets. Definetly recommend volunteers in the project to care ele! The Arrival pick up service was Great! Govind found me at the train station when I arrived at 5 a.m. The accommodation and food in Host Family was Fanatstic. The family was very wonderful. Transportation was great as well very friendly driver. Everybody I met at the project & staff members were generous and helpful. I decided to volunteer with VWI as I was teaching already in Jaisalmer, India for 2 months. I wanted to volunteer with elephants on my way back to the states. So happy I did. I... Leia mais The Arrival pick up service was Great! Govind found me at the train station when I arrived at 5 a.m. The accommodation and food in Host Family was Fanatstic. The family was very wonderful. Transportation was great as well very friendly driver. Everybody I met at the project & staff members were generous and helpful. I decided to volunteer with VWI as I was teaching already in Jaisalmer, India for 2 months. I wanted to volunteer with elephants on my way back to the states. So happy I did. I would like to give 10 out of 10 to VWI for my overall experience & Satisfaction. A message for future volunteers – Everybody should do it! No need for sightseeing on the weekends though. I think the real India, the authentic experience is much better than to visit forts, palaces etc.. Thank You!!!! The arrival pick up service was very good, on time and comfortable. Food was great, accommodation clean and proper. The transportation service was Excellent, Best driver ever! The project staff members were also excellent. Very nice of them to bring us to their home. Feel very welcome, everyone was very friendly and helpful. I would like to give 10 out of 8 to VWI for my overall experience & satisfaction. A message to future volunteers – You will have a great time at the Elephant Project. It’s amazing to be... Leia mais The arrival pick up service was very good, on time and comfortable. Food was great, accommodation clean and proper. The transportation service was Excellent, Best driver ever! The project staff members were also excellent. Very nice of them to bring us to their home. Feel very welcome, everyone was very friendly and helpful. I would like to give 10 out of 8 to VWI for my overall experience & satisfaction. A message to future volunteers – You will have a great time at the Elephant Project. It’s amazing to be a part of taking care of the animals and the staff of Volunteering With India does everything they can for you to have everything you need. From early morning chais to weekend entertainment. I loved the elephants and the people in Jaipur and I am gonna miss them both. It was good, was a little lost but sukret found me. Had a comfortable journey and he went out of his way to find a exchange place for my money. Rooms were great and food was lovely. Totoram our driver was lovely I enjoyed our tuk tuk journeys very much. He is great person. Our project coordinator was great very welcoming, very chatty and his family was lovely. I would like to give 10 out of 8 to VWI. I had a great time being so close with the elephants.... Leia mais It was good, was a little lost but sukret found me. Had a comfortable journey and he went out of his way to find a exchange place for my money. Rooms were great and food was lovely. Totoram our driver was lovely I enjoyed our tuk tuk journeys very much. He is great person. Our project coordinator was great very welcoming, very chatty and his family was lovely. I would like to give 10 out of 8 to VWI. I had a great time being so close with the elephants. It’s a really interesting experience. The arrival pick up service was very efficient – no problem. Accommodation, Food & Host family all were good, clean rooms, food was fulfilling, family was very helpful. The project staff members were helpful. Would like to give 10 out 8 for my overall experience and satisfaction. Very comforting to know when travelling to a foreign country alone for the first time someone will be there to pick you up. Also people will be there at the family guest house to help you find things, translate and make recommendations. The... Leia mais The arrival pick up service was very efficient – no problem. Accommodation, Food & Host family all were good, clean rooms, food was fulfilling, family was very helpful. The project staff members were helpful. Would like to give 10 out 8 for my overall experience and satisfaction. We picked up last minute because our tour driver pulled out-good service. The accommodation, food and host family was excellent. I can’t take spice so these were perfect. The host family were so welcoming. The transportation service – couldn’t fault it-very safe driver. Project staff members were really nice- chai on tap, they made us laugh a lot. I would like to give 10 out of 9 for my overall satisfaction and experience. The 4:30 a.m starts are a bit of a struggle but after a windy tuk-tuk ride you... Leia mais We picked up last minute because our tour driver pulled out-good service. The accommodation, food and host family was excellent. I can’t take spice so these were perfect. The host family were so welcoming. The transportation service – couldn’t fault it-very safe driver. Project staff members were really nice- chai on tap, they made us laugh a lot. I would like to give 10 out of 9 for my overall satisfaction and experience. The 4:30 a.m starts are a bit of a struggle but after a windy tuk-tuk ride you are wide awake! After a day or two of scrubbing and sweeping. I have to say it can be hard work, but I am so thankful to volunteer with India for giving me the opportunity to work with these amazing creatures-they all have their own personalities and you can help a lot. My faourite elephant name was Kajal. A really cool programme, You see first hand how the mahouts care for their elephants. Loved it! We picked up up from our hotel, took us straight to the elephants, it was very easy and helpful. The host family were absolutely lovely, really friendly & helpful. I felt at home. The food we had was the best curry I’d had so far. Our tuk-tuk driver was very very nice and caring, he even helped megan clean coffee on new top after she tipped it over herself. The project staff members were super friendly & nice. They speak quite good English. Able to answer any questions we had... Leia mais We picked up up from our hotel, took us straight to the elephants, it was very easy and helpful. The host family were absolutely lovely, really friendly & helpful. I felt at home. The food we had was the best curry I’d had so far. Our tuk-tuk driver was very very nice and caring, he even helped megan clean coffee on new top after she tipped it over herself. The project staff members were super friendly & nice. They speak quite good English. Able to answer any questions we had about the elephants. I would like to give 9 out of 10 for my overall experience and satisfaction. The arrival pick up service was very good, efficient & friendly. The accommodation & food was good, the host family was wonderful, kind and always ready to help. The transportation service was very accommodating. The project staff members were very helpful. I was very happy to be able to work so closely with the elephants and get a more realistic and authentic experience. Fiquei contente por me poderem ir buscar ao aeroporto e não ter de me orientar. O coordenador do projeto chegou pouco depois da aterragem do meu voo. O alojamento, a comida e a família de acolhimento eram bons e muito prestáveis. O serviço de transporte foi fantástico e o motorista foi muito simpático e sempre pontual. Os membros do pessoal foram sempre muito fáceis de contactar quando eu tinha dúvidas. Gostaria de dar 10 em 9 para a minha satisfação e experiência geral. Estive em Jaipur durante 1 semana... Leia mais Fiquei contente por me poderem ir buscar ao aeroporto e não ter de me orientar. O coordenador do projeto chegou pouco depois da aterragem do meu voo. O alojamento, a comida e a família de acolhimento eram bons e muito prestáveis. O serviço de transporte foi fantástico e o motorista foi muito simpático e sempre pontual. Os membros do pessoal foram sempre muito fáceis de contactar quando eu tinha dúvidas. Gostaria de dar 10 em 9 para a minha satisfação e experiência geral. Estive em Jaipur durante 1 semana no Projeto Elefante e 1 semana no Projeto Mulheres, ambos os projectos são maravilhosos e fazem com que o meu tempo aqui na comunidade seja significativo. O Projeto Elefante foi muito agradável e gostei de trabalhar com os mahouts. O programa para mulheres foi difícil nos primeiros dois dias, porque havia muitas mulheres com diferentes níveis de competências, mas à medida que as aulas avançavam tornou-se mais fácil. As aulas para crianças foram espectaculares. Elas são adoráveis e divertidas de trabalhar. Working with Elephants is hard work but when you got to sit on top of one, it’s very rewarding. I loved the week that I spent here in Jaipur. The accommodation & food was Great! I loved the host family. The transportation service was good, we always arrived safely. The Mahouts were always very friendly + willing to let us try whatever we wanted. I loved them. I would like to give 10 out of 9 to Volunteering With India for my overall Experience & Satisfaction. Able to get great bonding experiences with the elephants as a appreciation for the hard-working Mahouts. The host family is amazing, and they are excellent chefs. The transportation service and the project staff members all were great. I would like to give 10 out of 9.5 to Volunteering With India for my overall experience & Satisfaction. The arrival pick up service was very good. The accommodation and food was very good. The family was welcoming and helpful. The food was tasty and plentiful. Very good transportation service; toto tuk-tuk driver safe and always on time. The project staff members were very attentive. I would like to give 10 out of 9 to VWI for my overall experience and satisfaction. I had an enjoyable and rewarding experience with the elephants and children and enjoyed seeing the sights of Jaipur. I felt welcome and taken care of. I... Leia mais The arrival pick up service was very good. The accommodation and food was very good. The family was welcoming and helpful. The food was tasty and plentiful. Very good transportation service; toto tuk-tuk driver safe and always on time. The project staff members were very attentive. I would like to give 10 out of 9 to VWI for my overall experience and satisfaction. I had an enjoyable and rewarding experience with the elephants and children and enjoyed seeing the sights of Jaipur. I felt welcome and taken care of. I highly recommend Volunteering with this company. The arrival pick up service was amazing, I arrived to be greeted by VWI coordinator holding a sign with my name. Accomodation was allright. The transportation service was absolutely amazing. The tuk-tuk driver was on time, patient and very well mannered. The Project staff members were Great! Very helpful knowledgeable. Was taken to see a Bollywood film which was a lot of fun. Nice to have the project manager with us at all time of work. I would like to give 10 out of 7 for my overall experience &... Leia mais The arrival pick up service was amazing, I arrived to be greeted by VWI coordinator holding a sign with my name. Accomodation was allright. The transportation service was absolutely amazing. The tuk-tuk driver was on time, patient and very well mannered. The Project staff members were Great! Very helpful knowledgeable. Was taken to see a Bollywood film which was a lot of fun. Nice to have the project manager with us at all time of work. I would like to give 10 out of 7 for my overall experience & Satisfaction. The Elephant Project in Jaipur was amazing experience. I learnt a lot about Indian culture by living with a traditional Indian Host Family. Once there, you get thurst into work at the elephant village and it is very surveal to be working with such big gentle giants. I would recommend this without a doubt to anybody who is thinking about doing this. The Arrival service was absolutely fine. Was on time to a pleasant journey. Host family were lovely. Accommodation was great and the food was tasty. The driver was really nice + helpful. Transportation service was fine. The project staff members were approachable + helpful. I decided to volunteer with VWI as I wanted to work with elephants and for it to be flexible 1 Week Experience. VWI was able to accommodate this. I would like to give 10 out 9 for my overall experience & satisfaction. The project was a... Leia mais The Arrival service was absolutely fine. Was on time to a pleasant journey. Host family were lovely. Accommodation was great and the food was tasty. The driver was really nice + helpful. Transportation service was fine. The project staff members were approachable + helpful. I decided to volunteer with VWI as I wanted to work with elephants and for it to be flexible 1 Week Experience. VWI was able to accommodate this. I would like to give 10 out 9 for my overall experience & satisfaction. The project was a great experience and I will remember forever the wonderful people I met along the way. Everyone was extremely friendly + welcoming. It was great that the program includes a 2 day Jaipur tour and is flexible to your needs. I will really miss it. I wanted to work with elephants since I was 3 years old. Found VWI on internet and decided to give it a go. This program is very good to get interact into giving everyday care to the Elephants and their mahouts. The Host family were very friendly + welcoming felt like a guest not paying customer. Meals were tasty. The staff members are friendly and welcoming. Good English spoken. Definetly recommend to future volunteers. The reason to decide volunteer with VWI is – Seemed like a great way to be exposed to families and experiences beyond the usual “tourist options”. Loved the idea of working with such wonderful animals. A unique opportunity! Would like to give 10 out 8 for my overall experience & satisfaction. This experience is absolutely like no other. If you want to experience all taste of the “real India this is the place to be. Your presence will be appreciated and give you experiences you will never forget. The host... Leia mais The reason to decide volunteer with VWI is – Seemed like a great way to be exposed to families and experiences beyond the usual “tourist options”. Loved the idea of working with such wonderful animals. A unique opportunity! Would like to give 10 out 8 for my overall experience & satisfaction. This experience is absolutely like no other. If you want to experience all taste of the “real India this is the place to be. Your presence will be appreciated and give you experiences you will never forget. The host family was extremely gracious, friendly and helpful; room was okay; food was absolutely delicious. The project staff members are very friendly and tried their best to make us feel comfortable. Very attentive, professional & Friendly. It was an amazing and heart filling experience to be in contact with the enormous beautiful elephants, their committed caretakers and staying with the local family at Prity Guesthouse. I also enjoyed the tours with the Subhash and the tuktuk driver. Overall the guidance and communication was great and felt very safe at all times. Taking care of the elephants is a very grateful job to be so close and connected to the elephants. We drank a lot of chai and had a lot of fun. They were very enthousiastic... Leia mais It was an amazing and heart filling experience to be in contact with the enormous beautiful elephants, their committed caretakers and staying with the local family at Prity Guesthouse. I also enjoyed the tours with the Subhash and the tuktuk driver. Overall the guidance and communication was great and felt very safe at all times. This is a really fun project to get a chance to see and interact with elephants up close. The communication ahead of our arrival was all helpful/clear, and the train station pickup on arrival was really handy. Our guesthouse was well located, clean, and the food was really tasty. Working with the elephants we got the opportunity to get stuck in with feeding, washing, and mucking out, and the mahouts were all very supportive in guiding us and showing off the animals. They clearly know and care for them a... Leia mais This is a really fun project to get a chance to see and interact with elephants up close. The communication ahead of our arrival was all helpful/clear, and the train station pickup on arrival was really handy. My flight arrived early but within 5 minutes one of the VWI staff member was there to pick me up. Great Service. The accommodation was very good, the guesthouse had everything you could need including wifi internet, dry your clothes and a shop nearby that everything. The food was very tasty, available on demand and plenty of it – they were always offer more if it required. Taxidriver drove me everywhere and he was awesome! I found that most of the time. I get into the tuk-tuk and I didn’t... Leia mais My flight arrived early but within 5 minutes one of the VWI staff member was there to pick me up. Great Service. The accommodation was very good, the guesthouse had everything you could need including wifi internet, dry your clothes and a shop nearby that everything. The food was very tasty, available on demand and plenty of it – they were always offer more if it required. I was gladly met at the airport upon arrival and transported to guest house. The Host family was very welcoming and humble. The food was very nice, the family were happy to serve more if wanted. The transport to the project everyday was prompt and reliable with the driver being very friendly. The project staff very friendly and welcoming; each member was very helpful in all areas, making the trip in India a lot more enjoyable. I like to give 10 out 10 marks. The elephant project gave a great... Leia mais I was gladly met at the airport upon arrival and Se estiver interessado neste projeto, contacte-nos para fazer parte do Volunteering With India
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StanleyO nosso serviço de recolha à chegada foi ótimo! O alojamento e a comida eram muito bons. Fizeram um bom trabalho ao acomodar a minha dieta especial. A família foi muito prestável. O nosso motorista foi ótimo e sempre pontual. Os membros da equipa do projeto foram muito prestáveis e simpáticos.
Decidimos escolher a VWI porque parecia ser uma boa organização com bons programas. Gostaria de dar 10 em 10+++. Esta experiência é para toda a vida! Eu recomendaria este programa a toda a gente.
BrendaExcelente serviço de recolha. A família anfitriã é adorável e a comida era muito boa. O nosso serviço de transporte foi excelente. Os membros da equipa do projeto eram muito simpáticos. Decidi juntar-me ao programa porque a minha amiga Gail recomendou-me que o fizesse. Também gostaria de dar 10 em 10. É muito interessante e gratificante poder ver e partilhar o cuidado dos elefantes com os mahouts que trabalham arduamente. O coordenador do projeto, o Sr. Raj Soni, foi muito atencioso e preocupou-se muito em cuidar bem de nós. Foi um prazer trabalhar com esta empresa e sim, eu recomendaria este programa a toda a gente.
um pouco irregular da nossa comida durante alguns dias. O nosso serviço de transporte foi bom. O motorista de táxi foi muito simpático e cuidou muito bem de nós. O nosso coordenador do programa foi ótimo. Bom inglês e sempre com uma cara feliz. Decidi oferecer-me como voluntário para Voluntariado com a VWI A razão foi que eu queria trabalhar com elefantes na Índia e encontrei o sítio Web online. A informação no sítio Web era boa. Parecia ser uma organização bem organizada e eu gostava de fazer voluntariado. Outros voluntários também escreveram coisas boas sobre o projeto. Gostaria de dar 10 em 9 pontos à VWI. Diminui 1 ponto porque o nosso pequeno-almoço foi irregular durante 2 dias . A nossa vida no projeto foi boa. Levantámo-nos às 4:30 da manhã para nos vestirmos e encontrámos o motorista às 5:00 da manhã e depois fomos para a aldeia dos elefantes. O primeiro encontro com os elefantes foi emocionante. Quando chegámos, eles estavam a dormir e deitados. Quando se levantaram, apercebemo-nos do seu tamanho! São criaturas magníficas. Têm uns olhos muito simpáticos e são quase como pessoas. Compreendem o que lhes dizemos. Depois de terem separado a cana-de-açúcar e limpado as suas áreas, lavamo-los. Depois, eles vão para o forte e nós bebemos chai . Chegámos a casa por volta das 9 horas da manhã. O pequeno-almoço é servido às 9:15. Depois, tens o dia todo para ti. Almoço por volta das 13:00. Jantar por volta das 20:00. Dois dias por semana voltamos para junto dos elefantes às 13:00 para lhes fazer comida e chapattis. Todos os mahouts são engraçados, barulhentos e poucos falam inglês, mas o nosso coordenador do programa está lá a ajudar. Nos fins-de-semana, podemos visitar o palácio da cidade, o templo dos macacos, os fortes, etc.
Os outros voluntários tornam-se os nossos melhores amigos e há um grande sentimento de estar em casa! Recomendo vivamente o projeto, mas não se esqueça de ficar mais de uma semana; não é tempo suficiente para estar com estes animais fantásticos.
Elise Conduzimos até ao escritório da VWI com o nosso próprio motorista. Depois fomos apanhados por um dos membros da equipa da VWI. Durante a semana, o nosso motorista de táxi totoram foi sempre pontual. A comida era boa e a família de acolhimento era muito simpática. Os membros da equipa do projeto foram muito prestáveis. Não tenho queixas. Decidi fazer voluntariado porque queria ir à Índia e queria trabalhar e conhecer os belos elefantes. Dou 10 de 8 pontos à VWI. Esta é a sua escolha para conhecer a Índia a partir do interior de uma família indiana. Enquanto contribui para a sociedade indiana e faz novos amigos de todo o mundo.
projeto. Tive um início difícil porque houve alguns problemas com a minha bagagem no aeroporto de Deli, mas o Sukret foi muito prestável durante todo o processo, por isso, aconteça o que acontecer, tem calma e estás em boas mãos. Admito que houve alturas em que pensei que tudo era novo para mim aqui, pois a diferença cultural era tão grande. Vim para cá durante 4 semanas, por isso nos primeiros dias aprendi a deslocar-me pela cidade. Os transportes são muito baratos na Índia. Visitei todos os locais turísticos no fim de semana e fiz muitas compras. Os membros do pessoal foram muito simpáticos ao apresentarem-me às suas famílias e ao levarem-me a diferentes sítios. O trabalhar com elefantes é espetacular. Num dia normal, ia buscar a família de acolhimento às 5:00 da manhã e regressava a casa por volta das 8:30 da manhã. Na maior parte dos dias, limpava a área dos elefantes, lavava e esfregava os elefantes e fazia comida para eles comerem. Mas também tive a experiência de dar banho ao elefante no passeio do lago. Todos os dias temos o coordenador do programa connosco no projeto, por isso nunca estamos sozinhos, há sempre alguém com quem falar e para responder a todas as perguntas. E isso faz-nos sentir muito seguros e confortáveis. Diverti-me imenso a fazer voluntariado. Sem dúvida, um sítio que adoraria voltar a visitar. Trabalho duro, mas elefantes realmente incríveis. Todas as pessoas que conheci aqui são muito acolhedoras e simpáticas. Gostaria de dar uma grande nota 9 de 10 à VWI. Os membros da equipa do projeto são realmente fantásticos! Não podia desejar melhor. Foi ótimo escrever com o Sukret, e ele respondeu sempre muito depressa. Sou muito exigente com a comida e não gosto de nada picante, mas a família foi muito simpática em garantir que havia sempre algo que eu pudesse comer.
elephants, clean them out, give them good massage, scrub their body with brush, making the bundles of hay for them to eat. The elephant village is so huge & really been adorable to see lots of elephants in groups & when they make fun in the lake. The village really needs volunteers to be giving the care to elephants & help the mahouts for their hard work as there is lack of people to support them. Well on the project i am staying with one more volunteer in an Indian host family which really been helpful for us to get to know about the Indian life & culture. The food which we eat is so delicious. Our Indian mother is such a nice cook, everyday she makes new Indian dishes for us to eat & she has taught me few dishes to prepare during my stay. It’s really been great to interact with Indian family. Indian culture is so different from U.K it’s really been good to learn about different aspects like religion, the festivals of here, the traditional things, clothes of man & women and other things which people normally do in their daily living. Here are so many things which u can take in your camera, to write in your blogs & make memories for your lifetime. I must say in the end to the people to be work with the elephants as these animals are also part of our life.
Nina:- Project was good, all mahouts that I worked with were friendly and tried to talk to me even limited English. Elephant work was good. It was good to be up close and personal with the elephants. All were well trained and I felt 100% safe when working closely with them. The Transport was reliable, on time and friendly. Project coordinator Raj was great to show us around and answer our question about elephants, the project, Indian culture. His English is really good which enabled us to communicate with him and the mahouts. Project was great, everything associated with the elephants was amazing, such a great experience.
Justine:-The elephant project is incredible! The mahouts were very friendly and obviously we devoted to their elephants. Being able to wash and bathe the elephants was a highlight! The Project coordinator was amazing , very helpful and lovely to talk to. Totoram was the best driver. He was so friendly and accommodating & took us every morning for chai!
Very comforting to know when travelling to a foreign country alone for the first time someone will be there to pick you up. Also people will be there at the family guest house to help you find things, translate and make recommendations. The volunteer experience was fun, timely and safe and although things don’t always go as planned, the staff are very accommodating to each person needs and to provide each person with a beneficial, memorable experience.
I really recommend joining this project. It’s really good value for money and you get a very good portrayal of what it’s like to be a mahout. It’s a really early start but it is worth it to work with elephants & they give you loads of chai. My only regret is not being able to stay another week!
Taking care of the elephants is a very grateful job to be so close and connected to the elephants. We drank a lot of chai and had a lot of fun. They were very enthousiastic involving me and also connect me to the other animals.
The family is very caring and I felt very much at home. Also they took me places which was really nice to learn more about Indian and Jaipur life, including dancing at the Navatri festival! The food was super delicious too.
I even extended my stay!
Our guesthouse was well located, clean, and the food was really tasty.
Working with the elephants we got the opportunity to get stuck in with feeding, washing, and mucking out, and the mahouts were all very supportive in guiding us and showing off the animals. They clearly know and care for them a lot.
The weekend’s tourist trips around Jaipur were really nice and as a lot of the sights were spread out it was comforting to have our own driver for the morning so we didn’t have to navigate finding our own transport.
Taxidriver drove me everywhere and he was awesome! I found that most of the time. I get into the tuk-tuk
and I didn’t know where I was going but I always went somewhere exciting! I will miss our samosa parties in the tuk-tuk a lot. He was on time, his driving was great and his smiley hallo, good morning at 5:00 a.m was always much appreciated.
Govind was my project supervisor and he really made my trip amazing. He was very helpful with any questions. I am yet to find one he couldn’t answer. He included me in things outside the project with his friends and family and I loved every minute of it. Sukret was also extremely helpful and answers my questions promptly. He was always around to check everything was ok.
I would give VWI 10/10, I had an awesome time and want to thank everyone involved. I would highly recommend this company to future volunteers and will come back the next time I am in India.
I did the elephant project for 3 weeks. Everyday we left at 5:00 a.m and started by cleaning the elephant enclosure picking up her poo with shovel, washing and scrubbing the elephant, then dressing the elephant ready to go to amber fort. Once the elephants had left we made bundles of food for them to eat later. Some afternoons we would make chappathi’s for elephants. The mahouts were great fun and always got involved with whatever they were doing, and the elephants were amazing.
I was bit nervous about going to India with VWI, but there was absolutely no need to be. The staff at VWI was professional, friendly and couldn’t have been more accommodating. They were very inclusive and I really enjoyed getting involved and learning about India culture firsthand. I was treated so well – I loved meeting the families and their friends. My sari will remind me of all the great times I spent with them. The project itself was really enjoyable with a highlight being washing the elephant in the elephant pool on my last morning. The sightseeing trips on the weekends were very well organized and included everything. Jaipur is a wonderful city to live in. I got to experience all the projects offered by VWI; this organization does a wonderful job. All projects are well-run and because all transportation food and accommodation is organized for you, all you have to do is enjoy every minute of the experience, the end of my time in India came a bit too fast.
transported to guest house. The Host family was very welcoming and humble. The food was very nice, the family were happy to serve more if wanted. The transport to the project everyday was prompt and reliable with the driver being very friendly. The project staff very friendly and welcoming; each member was very helpful in all areas, making the trip in India a lot more enjoyable. I like to give 10 out 10 marks. The elephant project gave a great insight to the different lives people lead. Working with the elephants was enjoyable. They were very sweet and the workers were friendly. I would love to return to take part in the project.