Trabalho voluntário no teatro

Theater Volunteer Program India

theatre volunteer program theatre volunteer program
theatre volunteer work theatre volunteer work


Duração do projeto: Minimum 2 weeks stay up to 6 weeks. Coming for shorter period Join our 3 Days Crianças voluntárias + Programa de turismo em Jaipur.

Taxas de projeto: $500 for 2 Weeks and thereafter $200 weekly. No Application fees required. For more information about our fees please visit Página de taxas do programa de voluntariado.

Disponibilidades do projeto: All year round – Dates are flexible you can choose your own start and finish date. However we recommend you to arrive on Sunday. To check the availablity of the program dates click here : Datas de início

Datas especiais do festival: : Camel Festival Bikaner 12-14 Jan 2025, Kite Festival Jaipur 14 Jan 2025, Holi Festival of Colors 13-14 Mar 2025, Teej Festival 27 July 2025, Sister’s Festival 9 Aug 2025, Dusshera Festival 1 Oct 2025, Diwali Festival of Lights 20 Oct 2025, Pushkar Camel Fair 28 Oct - 30 Nov 2025.

Requisitos: Não necessitamos de qualquer qualificação para este projeto. Os voluntários devem ter muito amor e entusiasmo pelo projeto.

Localização: Jaipur, Índia.

Actividades do projeto: Organize the program, making & design the set, teach children in acting/drama & dance, help teachers in the performance of children & Work on other things which needs to organize the program.

Dias úteis: Segunda-feira a sexta-feira. Ao fim de semana, organizamos visitas turísticas para os voluntários visitarem os pontos turísticos famosos de Jaipur.

O que está incluído: Organização do seu programa, informações e apoio antes da partida por e-mail/telefone, recolha na chegada a Jaipur, materiais relevantes para o programa, alojamento em família de acolhimento indiana, 3 refeições (pequeno-almoço, almoço e jantar), transporte para o local do projeto, excursões de fim de semana e apoio administrativo 24 horas por dia.

O que não está incluído: Visto, voos, Internet, chamadas telefónicas, taxas de entrada em monumentos/visitas turísticas, cobertura de seguro e entrega no aeroporto.

Alojamento flexível: Se for solicitado, pode reservar o seu próprio alojamento em hotel antes de vir para cá, caso não se sinta confortável com a família de acolhimento indiana. Nós ajudamo-lo a fazer a reserva.

Do you have a passion for Theatre, travelling and helping young children? With VWI we offer people like you the fantastic opportunity to teach underprivileged young children living in the iconic Pink City of Jaipur. During your time on the programme you will be placed in a local school or orphanage where you’ll have the freedom to create and organise your very own programme. Volunteers in the past have put on plays, taught dance routines, made masks/puppets and facilitated scenes from well-known scripts. Volunteers may also wish to consider teaching core performance techniques (acting, singing, dancing), teaching scenes from musicals or teaching children how to make their own costumes. Volunteers are expected to arrive fully prepared with a plan of what they’re going to teach; they may also wish to bring props and costumes, but the main things to bring are ideas and enthusiasm. There is a lack of free, quality education in Jaipur and little theatre education. The children you will be teaching don’t usually receive theatre education, so all will be inexperienced and some will be shy. Furthermore, many of the children in the schools are children from difficult backgrounds; therefore volunteers who can find a balance between sensitivity and fun are perfect for these children who aren’t given the chance to experience the excitement of education. The beauty of this programme is that we find the children’s confidence, happiness and unity increases as the programme progresses and their hope for the future becomes a real possibility.


You will be giving training to help children for their local performance such as teaching theater, to improve focus, making the set, design them, music selection, making the masks and organize the program for children. We don’t need an expert actor, director or an artist we just want from our volunteer to offer love to children, to make them good theater actors and to help the ones that are talented but they are shy or just not able to bring it out. We expect the volunteers to offer good help and to be good teachers in the workshops. Volunteers can also work with the children in rural areas, so they can arrange to put in play a drama with them. This helps build confidence for them and makes them be more united and see the future with more hope and joy. Also, volunteers can put in play dramas with the kids from the orphanages that the organization works with. The children in orphanages are always eager to learn new things and this shows them the fun part of life, at the end of the day children fall asleep with a smile on their faces because their talents get to be discovered and enhanced while having fun. Volunteers can choose where to develop the theater program; whether it’s orphanage, street children shelter, local school or in the women empowerment program, it will be very rewarding to see a project complete. Leia as histórias e comentários dos nossos voluntários sobre o programa.


There are no specific qualifications required to be a part of the Theatre programme. You don’t have to be a professional performer or teacher; all we’re after are confident individuals with a passion for helping young children and spreading love, joy and knowledge of performance. Individuals who do have experience in performing or teaching are very welcomed. Moreover, volunteers who wish to increase their own experience of teaching and knowledge of Indian culture are also embraced.


>An experience with children who will appreciate everything you teach and share with them.
>A feeling of immense fulfillment and happiness that you’ve helped children who are less privileged than yourself.
>Unforgettable memories of living in the Pink City of Jaipur.
>Oportunidade para aprender a cultura indianaA língua e as suas tradições.
An experience which will look fantastic on your CV for future work prospects (having worked in a developing country.)
A Lifetime membership with VWI after completion of your project!


A língua não é um problema para os participantes internacionais que aderem ao programa. A família de acolhimento, os nossos funcionários, os motoristas de táxi e as crianças/mulheres do programa conseguem compreender o básico. No entanto, se não se sentir à vontade com a barreira linguística, pode inscrever-se numa aula semanal de hindi de 90 minutos, de segunda a sexta-feira, que custa 150 dólares por semana. Durante a apresentação de OnlinE pode solicitar no formulário.

Vídeo de ensino voluntário

A VWI providencia o alojamento, a alimentação e o transporte dos voluntários, desde o primeiro dia da sua chegada a Jaipur, na Índia. Os voluntários ficarão a viver com a família de acolhimento indiana. Terá o seu próprio quarto na casa da família de acolhimento, que pode ser partilhado por um voluntário do mesmo sexo no programa. Participantes que vêm com os seus amigos, casais ou familiares vivem em conjunto no mesmo alojamento. As nossas famílias de acolhimento são cuidadosamente examinadas e seleccionadas com base nos requisitos da VWI. As famílias de acolhimento têm experiência no domínio do acolhimento de viajantes internacionais nos últimos 10 anos. Receberá 3 refeições por dia (pequeno-almoço, almoço e jantar), tradicionais mas muito nutritivas. As refeições servidas no alojamento são as refeições quotidianas das famílias indianas. É assim que o programa foi feito para o fazer sentir e Em direto Como um Local. No entanto, se não se conseguir adaptar às refeições indianas ou se precisar de mais nutrição/proteína/dieta especial nas suas refeições, pode arranjá-las no mercado local mais próximo. Ficar com uma família de acolhimento dar-lhe-á a oportunidade de aprender sobre a vida indiana, conhecer os habitantes locais, experimentar a comida local, falar a língua local e mergulhar nos costumes e tradições locais. Os membros da família de acolhimento são capazes de comunicar em inglês e são muito simpáticos com os voluntários. Os alojamentos são limpos e bem arrumados e proporcionam aos voluntários uma experiência de casa longe de casa. Os nossos voluntários têm quartos privados na casa da família de acolhimento que podem ser partilhados pelo mesmo sexo no programa. Se preferir ter o seu próprio quarto, pode pagar um suplemento para ter um quarto privado. As casas das famílias de acolhimento estão equipadas com internet wifi. Terá um acesso muito bom através do computador e do acesso Wi-Fi. A casa tem água potável filtrada, géisers, ar condicionado, televisão por satélite, casas de banho modernas, camas confortáveis, ventoinhas e ar condicionado. As casas estão perto de comodidades úteis como bancos, caixas multibanco, casas de câmbio, restaurantes, cafés e galerias comerciais. O local do programa fica a 20-30 minutos de carro da casa. Também providenciamos transporte para os voluntários, que os irá buscar todos os dias ao local do projeto e os deixará em casa quando terminarem o trabalho. Todos os dias, terá um auto-riquixá (tuk-tuk) ou um carro para o transporte.

Menu de comida :-No pequeno-almoço, a nossa família anfitriã prepara-lhe todos os dias chá/café + pão ou Poha ou Paratha indiana. Ao almoço e ao jantar, terá 2 tipos de legumes indianos + Roti (Chapati) + arroz + iogurte + pickles. Na mesa de comida há sempre um cesto de frutas que pode usar em qualquer altura.

Opção de alojamento :-.Consulte as nossas várias opções de alojamento. A maioria dos participantes prefere escolher a Casa de Acomodação Básica que é partilhada por 2 participantes.

  • Alojamento básico em casa de família [ Incluído no preço ] [ Partilhado por 2 participantes ] [ Refeições - Pequeno-almoço, almoço e jantar ]
  • Alojamento básico Alojamento em casa de família [ Quarto privado] [ Adicional $100 por semana ] [ Refeições - Pequeno-almoço, almoço e jantar ]
  • Alojamento de luxo em casa de família [Adicional $350 por semana ] [ Refeições - Pequeno-almoço ]
  • Alojamento em hotel [ Adicionalmente $450 por semana ] [ Refeições - Pequeno-almoço ]
  • Alojamento próprio [ Obter desconto nas taxas do programa ]
Galeria de imagens de Alojamento Clique aqui

Compras e fornecimentos Há muitas lojas perto do alojamento onde os voluntários podem ir e comprar coisas para as suas necessidades. O alojamento situa-se na zona principal da cidade de Jaipur, pelo que é fácil comprar qualquer coisa, uma vez que as lojas ficam a uma curta distância a pé. Se um voluntário quiser ir a um centro comercial de marca, tem de apanhar um táxi (Tuk- Tuk). Quando o nosso taxista não está a levá-los para o local do projeto, pode ser contratado pelos voluntários para os levar ao centro comercial da marca, mas têm de lhe pagar.

Dia 1: On day 1 you will arrive in Jaipur, where you will be picked up from the airport by one of our VWI staff members who will welcome you into the Pink City. You will then be transferred to your Host family accommodation where we’ll introduce you to the family and settle you into your room. You will then be briefed on the all of the facilities/shops nearby, rules and regulations and anything else you need to know about living with your host family and living as a tourist in Jaipur. You will also receive an overview of your chosen project (your working day schedule, what to expect as a volunteer and any do’s and don’ts.) The remainder of the day is yours to relax and overcome any jet lag!

Dia 2 a dias úteis: You will be transported to your project site where you will meet your project co-ordinator (who will always be there to help and guide you.) You’ll also be welcomed by the children and anyone else you’ll become familiar with who works at the site, all of whom are always delighted to meet volunteers. You will then be in charge and you are free to commence with your organised activities! Additionally to the theatre based activities you will have prepared for the children, volunteers are asked to teach approximately 1 hour of English a day (in most cases their level of English is good considering Hindi is their first language.) It is also recommended that volunteers have a sizeable selection of fun games to start and finish the day with-as these are a brilliant way of allowing everyone to open up and get to know one another!

Fins-de-semana: The weekends are yours to relax and experience Jaipur. Every weekend VWI organise optional sightseeing tours of the wondrous, historical places the Pink City has to offer. Weekends also provide volunteers with the fantastic opportunity to spend time with other volunteers they’ll be living with, who may not be on the same programme as themselves.

Add on Tour Package: For volunteers who want even more, they can choose to join one of our tour packages to finish off their time in India! If you’re wishing to explore India more, our tours are the perfect way to enhance your experience. Volunteers can decide between our ‘Elephants in Jaipur Tour’, our ‘Wildlife with Taj Mahal Tour’, our ‘Golden Triangle Tour’ or our ‘Taj Mahal and Ranthambore Trip’.

The family, accommodation and food was amazing. Arrival pick up service and transportation service during project was great. Our project coordinator was very nice. I decide to volunteer with VWI to help and experience. I would like to give 10 out 10 for my overall experience and satisfaction. It’s a great experience. You need to use your own initiative so you can’t be shy. You are very much looked after.


The arrival pick up service was very good. The accommodation and food was basic but nice. Totoram the tum-tuk driver was wonderful andvery friendly. I enjoyed going around in the tuk-tuk. Project staff members were great and very helpful. Enjoyed their company and visiting their houses + meeting their families. I really enjoyed my time in Jaipur and playing games + teaching drama to children. It was hard work as the children were all rescued from factories or violet homes and had no experience with drama; found it very strange.... Leia mais

The arrival pick up service was very good. The accommodation and food was basic but nice. Totoram the tum-tuk driver was wonderful andvery friendly. I enjoyed going around in the tuk-tuk. Project staff members were great and very helpful. Enjoyed their company and visiting their houses + meeting their families. I really enjoyed my time in Jaipur and playing games + teaching drama to children. It was hard work as the children were all rescued from factories or violet homes and had no experience with drama; found it very strange. The children at the center were very eager to learn whenever i teach something for any act. During my time here i taught them act of blind children for how to sense. The program coordinator is a big help as the children do not understand English. Teaching music drama to these children will be memorable for me lifetime. Must do it.


My time in Jaipur, India was fantastic! On my very first day of arriving in Jaipur (from England) I had the Theatre Volunteering programme explained to me and details about when I would be picked up the next day to begin. Sure enough, I was picked up the following day by my designated tuk tuk driver, who was an absolute hero from day 1-so lovely and helpful, he would stop off anywhere on the way for food etc and he even introduced myself and some of the other volunteers to... Leia mais

My time in Jaipur, India was fantastic! On my very first day of arriving in Jaipur (from England) I had the Theatre Volunteering programme explained to me and details about when I would be picked up the next day to begin. Sure enough, I was picked up the following day by my designated tuk tuk driver, who was an absolute hero from day 1-so lovely and helpful, he would stop off anywhere on the way for food etc and he even introduced myself and some of the other volunteers to his family.

Upon arriving at the school where I would be volunteering I was a little surprised how poor the area was. The days in Jaipur were filled with acquiring various materials from the local markets to make costumes, accessories and props. I also brought paper for scripts and paint to make scenery. After I had made these, I felt more ready to teach the children as they were subsequently very excited when I turned up with bright colours and silly plastic props they could play around with. I had decided before traveling to India that alongside suitable interactive games I knew and had researched, I would teach them two scripts for them to learn, act out and perform. One was a script from a popular children’s story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ and one was the script of Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ which I adapted for the children’s age group (2-15 yrs old.) Both stories were fun to act out, were very interactive with multiple parts and had lines that were easy to pronounce and learn. The great aspect of this programme is that you are free to arrange whatever theatre programme you like and can teach the children whatever it is you may specialise in or have an interest in. Additionally, the children were a delight to teach, so friendly and enthusiastic! Just make sure you come fully prepared!

At the end of my programme, the children were able to perform what they had learnt to an invited audience (this consisted of the project coordinators, the teaching assistants, other volunteers whom I lived with and myself.) I also filmed the performances, which overall made it a brilliant experience for the children who had all developed in confidence and awareness of English and British Art.

During the rest of my month in Jaipur I had the opportunity to experience Indian culture right in the heart of the Pink City. I experienced the way a traditional Indian family operates (from living with an authentic family who’s values, class system and importance of religion contrast starkly to the European way of life), to experiencing various Indian festivals and visiting Indian monuments, architecture and places of interest. These included the famous Amer fort, the monkey temple the Hawa Mahal, the City Palace, and the Jal Mahal (the floating Palace)-all very beautiful with interesting historical stories attached. Additionally to this, I was lucky enough to book myself on to the company’s Golden Triangle tour package which I completed after my time in Jaipur. This included travelling to the City of Agra where on the way we stopped off at Fatehpur Sikri and then the next day I got to see the incredible Taj Mahal, a sight I will always cherish and never forget. I then visited the Red Fort of Agra, a truly fascinating building. The next day, I traveled on to New Delhi where we visited the Indian Gate and the Buddhist Temple-again wonderful experiences.

I would thoroughly recommend the Theatre Volunteering programme in Jaipur as it is a life changing adventure and an experience which really opened my eyes to a way of life so different to my own.

Rosie Evans, U.K

I did not know what to expect and was a little nervous to begin with. But everyone made it very easy. The Children were an inspiration and it was a pleasure to attend and teach them all. I bonded very quickly and it was hard to say goodbye and my tears almost came when one Boy was upset that I was leaving. I would thank everyone to grab this opportunity with both hands. It is Amazing I would like to give 10 out of 10 marks to VWI. I have... Leia mais

I did not know what to expect and was a little nervous to begin with. But everyone made it very easy. The Children were an inspiration and it was a pleasure to attend and teach them all. I bonded very quickly and it was hard to say goodbye and my tears almost came when one Boy was upset that I was leaving. I would thank everyone to grab this opportunity with both hands. It is Amazing I would like to give 10 out of 10 marks to VWI. I have learned so much and had the best experience. I hope to come again soon. The project staff members were very helpful and Govind was a Big Help to assist me with theater teaching for children. Transportation services Brilliant! The Taxi was always on time and the driver very friendly with always smile on his face. The accommodation was very nice and the family was very friendly. The Food was very good and enjoyable. I definitely recommend Theater Project for future volunteers.


From the first day arriving in Jaipur I was made to feel very welcome by the staff of VWI and the Host Family. On the first day at the school I was initially nervous but the children were all so lovely and keen to learn. My 2 weeks were filled with puppet making as I had organized puppet show with the children on the last day of my volunteering. I organized 3 program for children. All these programs made me feel very proud and also sad that my time was... Leia mais

From the first day arriving in Jaipur I was made to feel very welcome by the staff of VWI and the Host Family. On the first day at the school I was initially nervous but the children were all so lovely and keen to learn. My 2 weeks were filled with puppet making as I had organized puppet show with the children on the last day of my volunteering. I organized 3 program for children. All these programs made me feel very proud and also sad that my time was at end. I loved my time in Jaipur, met some great people, had some amazing food, saw the incredible sights in & around the city and even managed to watching a Bollywood movie in at Raj Mandir.
The reason to choose VWI that I wanted to do something involving theatre which is how I find VWI site in internet. There were great reviews and as you were based in Jaipur I felt you were better involved with the projects over a Company based in the UK.
Project Staff Members were great from the first of my email query sent in VWI office. Excellent communication skills in team members. Project Coordinator was very helpful both in the school and for any other info I needed. Transport was great always on time and always more than to stop and pick up anything needed on the way. Accommodation was fabulous. Made me to feel very welcome and they were amazing in helping with everything. Food was also excellent and always more if wanted it.
I would defiantly recommend the project for anyone with a passion for theatre as it has been so rewarding sharing mine with the children here. 10 out of 10 for my overall experience and satisfaction.


Overall I have really enjoyed my time here and it has been an experience I will not forget. I would give 10 out 9 for my experience & satisfaction. I have decided to volunteer with VWI as I wanted to gain experience of Living in India whilst offering help to teach theatre to the children. The host family were very kind + welcoming, food was good. Transportation was quick, Govind was very helpful + willing to take part – he was a great help.

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